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Saturday, 6 July 2013

Fifty facts about Sarah !

Hi everyone !
So, I’ve done a few posts now since I started my blog, but I feel like you guys still don’t know very much about me ! All of my posts so far have been centered around me showing you guys a product and letting you know what I thought about it – which I’ve loved and had great fun doing, don’t get me wrong ! -  so I thought it was about time that I told you all a little more about myself so that you can all get to know me better, and what better way to do it than to give you guys fifty fun facts about myself !

Let’s get started !

1. My boyfriend, Calum, and I have been together for almost three years. He’s my best friend and I don’t know what I’d do without him (awww).
2. I have two younger brothers. We were all born in June, and our birthdays are only a few days apart.
3. My favourite food is noodles. I could literally survive solely on noodles. I’m obsessed.
4. I am 5’4” tall. I’ve always wished that I could be just a little taller !
5. I’m left-handed, but I can only use scissors with my right hand.
6. I can’t swim or ride a bike.
7. I’ve been able to drive for three years and passed my driving test on my first attempt.
8. I am not a morning person. If I need to be anywhere before 10 a.m, I’m likely to be pretty grumpy about it !
9. My first name is actually Sarah-Louise, but I hate being called that – everyone has always just called me Sarah, even my parents !
10. I am terrified of moths. Like, the really big ones. They’re so horrible.
11. I hate having to repeat myself over and over, especially when the person I’m speaking to just blatantly wasn’t listening the first three times.
12. I only actually wear make-up a few days a week, like when I’m going to work. If I’m just running errands or going to the shops I won’t bother.

13. I’m a pretty fussy eater. There are so many foods that I won’t eat because I think that I don’t like them, even if I’ve never tried them before.
14. I would absolutely love to visit China.
15. I’m about to go into my third year of a Human Biology degree.
16. I always promise myself that I’ll start my coursework or revision for exams super early so that I won’t be stressed at the last minute, but I never do. Procrastination always wins !
17. I’m a massive science geek. I’m hugely fascinated by anything science-related.
18. I’m super easily pleased. I’m perfectly happy to spend my weekends watching films or playing the Xbox with my boyfriend instead of going out (party animal – not !).
19. I don’t like any type of hot drink, like tea of coffee. Everyone that I know thinks that I’m super weird !
20. My hair is naturally curly, but I usually wear it straight. It’s so unmanageable when it’s curly !
21. I never used to like the Lord of the Rings, despite never having properly watched it. Calum made me sit and watch it from beginning to end, and it’s now one of my favourite films !
22. I absolutely hate being lied to, especially when I know the truth. There’s nothing worse than someone who can be deceitful straight to your face.
23. I love horror films. I’ve watched too many to remember !
24. I have a six year old bearded collie named Milly. She’s my baby !

 25. I can’t do the dishes. I have a totally irrational phobia of the dirty dishwater (it’s ridiculously weird, I know).
26. I much prefer having my hair tied up to wearing it down. I think I suit having it tied up – plus, it never lies right when I wear it down !
27. I’m terrified of going to the hairdressers – they literally always cut off more than I want !
28. I live in my jammies. I hate sitting around the house wearing normal clothes, it’s so uncomfortable !
29. I absolutely love having my hair played with.
30. People think that I constantly diet or just don’t eat because I’m pretty skinny, but in reality I have a super fast metabolism and find it difficult to put on weight.
31. I’ve lived in the same house my whole life.
32. I love art. I used to be really into drawing, but since I became a student and got a job, I don’t really have enough free time to just sit down and draw.
33. My dream is to move to America after my boyfriend and I have graduated from uni’.
34. I have green eyes.
35. Green also happens to be my favourite colour !
36. I was a ballet dancer for thirteen years. I had to stop because I developed knee problems.

37. I constantly promise myself that I’m going to start going to the gym and get fit. It’s yet to happen.
38. I hoard totally pointless things such as old cinema tickets and little notes that people have written for me. I'm hugely sentimental.
39. I check my phone first thing every morning as if it’s the morning paper.
40. I’ve always been very self-conscious about the way I look.
41. I couldn’t live without concealer. I have horrible dark circles from lack of sleep !
42. I don’t tan - I just burn. I suppose it isn’t a bad thing, though – I’m one of the few people who actually don’t mind being pale !
43. One of the first things that I notice about people (apart from the obvious things like eyes) is their eyebrows – I have such an obsession with perfect eyebrows ! (is that weird?!).
44. I’m in love with strawberry milk !
45. My dream is to become a doctor.
46. Until I was around 13, I was –such- a tomboy. All I wanted to do was play football with the boys and I wouldn’t wear anything except joggers and trainers (cringe).
47. The first make-up product I owned was an Avon mascara.
48. I still climb the stairs on all fours.
49. My boyfriend lives a few hours away from home for around seven months of the year to go to uni, so when he first left, we got matching infinity bracelets as a cute reminder that we’re always with each other.
50. It took me well over a year to work up the courage to finally start my blog because I was worried that it wouldn’t be good enough. I’ve no idea why I waited so long, it’s been such a great experience and I’ve met so many lovely people !

So, there you have it ! Hope you guys enjoyed reading my facts, and that they didn’t bore you too much !  Don’t hesitate to leave me a comment if there’s anything else you’d like to know !
Have any of you guys done a ‘facts about me post’ ? Feel free to send me your links, I love reading these posts, they’re such a great way to get to know the person behind the blog ! See you all next time !

Much love,


  1. Lovely post! What a good idea to write some facts about yourself and interesting that you used to be a tomboy!!

    1. Thanks so much ! I know, it's hard to believe, haha !

      Much love, Sarah.x

  2. Your blog is beautiful :D mines very similar to yours and I think you would love it :)


    xoxo, Rosie

    1. Aw, thanks so much ! I'll definitely check out your blog :).

      Much love, Sarah.x

  3. This is a great post! It's so good to get to know the people behind the blogs I read!
    I totally know how you feel with the whole never having time to draw anymore - it sucks, I'd love to just draw and paint all day everyday!
    Such a lovely blog, you had nothing to be scared about with starting it! Best of luck with carrying it on :)
    Katie || curledfantasies.wordpress.com xxx

    1. Aw, thanks lovely ! I know, I love reading posts like this because they're a great way of learning more about people, so I figured I'd give it a shot too !
      I feel exactly the same - I used to draw all the time, but I hardly ever just get time now, by the time I get home at night and catch up on things I'm just too tired !
      Thanks for all your encouragement, was such a lovely comment to come home to !

      Much love, Sarah.x

  4. I love this! So nice to find out some more things about you :) Well done for finally getting enough courage to step onto the blogging train, so glad you did as echoed above in the other comments!

    Ellie xx


    1. Thanks so much, sweetie ! I'm so glad that I finally did it, no idea why I waited so long ! Had so much fun and met lots of lovely people.

      Much love, Sarah.x

  5. Yay! You did this post! It was really fun reading! I'm a huge sentimental hoarder as well, I was going to my desk the other day and found a box full of notes that I passed in class in grade school! And, Milly has got to be the cutest dog ever! xx

    Daphne | Peanut Butter and Chocolate Life

    1. Aw, thank you ! I'm glad you enjoyed reading it, was worried it might be a bit boring !
      Oh my gosh, I have notes like that too ! I can't get rid of cute little things like that, haha !
      Thanks ! She definitely knows how to get to you with the puppy dog eyes, haha.

      Much love, Sarah.x

  6. Let's shake hands sister, I've curly hair too! Glad to find much about you. I also have a boy-best-friend but we're just best-friends haha & I know his crush ;)
    Got you from #lbloggers :) Can't wait to get connected!
    Areeba @ Aree With Umbrella

    1. Yay ! *high fives*
      Oh, haha ;).
      Thanks so much for taking the time to check out my blog, means a lot to me !

      Much love, Sarah.x

  7. Hello Sarah!
    I found your blog on BBN and this post was so much fun to read! We have a couple of things in common...I don't tan either and I also was a kind of a tomboy until the age of 12/13. Your dog is so cute!
    By the way, I am Katrin and I am a German living in the United States.
    I'll definitely follow your blog!

    1. Hi there ! It's nice to meet someone from BBN so soon after joining !
      Really ?! I'm glad I'm not the only one - the sun hates me ! Aw, thanks !
      It's nice to meet you, Katrin ! Heading over to your blog now to follow you back !

      Much love, Sarah.x

  8. The infinity bracelets with your boyfriend is such a cute idea! My boyfriend goes to uni a hour or so away and I don't see him as much as I would like to so what a perfect idea!
    Love your blog too hun :)

    lashesandsplashes.blogspot.com xx

    1. Aw, thanks sweetie ! I think it's a super cute thing to have, especially if you have to live away from your boyfriend - it's a nice reminder that you're always with each other, even when you're not physically together. :)
      Thanks so much ! I'm heading over to check out your blog now ! :)

      Much love, Sarah.x

  9. What a fantastic sharing of yourself. I love finding out more about other bloggers. So thanks for taking the time to share these.

    Great blog too! Following on BL xx


    1. Thank you! :) Me too, I love reading other posts like this, it was a lot of fun doing my own one!

      Thanks so much, going to check out your blog now! :)

      Much love, Sarah.x
